Thursday, January 23, 2025

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    Maine Homeschool Laws

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    Maine offers two homeschooling options.

    #1 Home Instruction described below

    #2 Homeschooling as a private school student


    Submit one of the following by Sept 1st each year.

    • A national standardized test, or
    • A test developed by school officials, or
    • a letter stating your child’s progress is acceptable. From a Maine certified teacher, a support group with a certified teacher, or an advisory board of two homeschool parents and a school official.


    • English and language arts,
    • math,
    • science,
    • social studies,
    • physical and health education,
    • library skills,
    • fine arts,
    • Maine studies (in one grade between grades 6 and 12), and
    • computer proficiency (in one grade between grades 7 and 12).


    One Time Notice of Intent submitted to your local school superintendent  containing;

    • Name, address and signature of parents.
    • Student’s name and age.
    • beginning date of home instruction.
    • a statement indicating you will provide 175 days of instruction per year.
    • a statement indicating you will teach the required subjects.

    You are required to maintain a copy of the Notice of Intent for future inspection.

    You are ALSO required to submit an annual letter that includes your student’s year end assessment and a statement that you intend to continue your child’s home education program.


    You are required to teach 175 days each year.

    Option #1 NO Requirement.

    Option #2 may have a requirement under a new Maine law starting in Sept 2021.

    *The information on this page is for general use only. It should not be taken as legal advice. It is believed to be accurate however state and federal laws change every year. recommends joining an organization such as the Home School Legal Defense Association before your homeschooling adventure begins. HSLDA can provide complete, accurate, legal advice and services for homeschooling families.

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